about us

Mark Mueller

President. He is a father of 3 Warwick High School Graduates. He coached middle school cross country for 5 years. He was a teacher in the Release Time Program for 12 years.

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Veronica Myer

Treasurer. Veronica is a graduate of Warwick High School.  Her 5 children have also graduated from Warwick High School. She was a Release Time teacher for John Beck elementary students for 5 years.

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Bethany Tomassetti

Secretary.  Bethany is a happily married woman. She and her husband are blessed to be the mother and father to 3 amazing teens. The best part of her life is guiding and watching their children grow into who God designed them to become. She is an avid attendee of my children’s sporting events. She also enjoys reading, country living, family adventures, kayaking, hiking, bird watching, photography and exploring the beautiful world God made.

"I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book."

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J.K. Rowling

Bibliography,Inc. - Just three parents, by the grace of God, determined to take lemons and make lemonade. Through protracted interaction with the Warwick School Board and administration, it became apparent that, for the most part, library books in our school libraries have become a function of any particular librarian's whim and personal views. There is no objective criteria and little scrutiny being paid to new books being introduced. The same could be said for old books being removed. Increasingly, many new books are permeated with an ideology that appeals not to the better angels of our children, but which debase, destabilize and confuse them. Many of these books are grievance- based and sow seeds of family division. Some books recently admitted to the WSD stacks are profane and rise to the level of overt pornography. This is unacceptable. As we continue to rail against this age-inappropriate and ideological material, we also turn to the positive and offer Bibliography,Inc. as a complimentary stream of classic books and curated, edifying materials for our children's school libraries. We have developed our own criteria through which each book that we offer must pass muster. It is our sincere prayer that the books we donate to the Warwick School District and it's families will inspire, challenge and educate our children for a bright and optimistic future. We strive to foster in our children a love of reading and the library, an appreciation for the rule of law and respect for appropriate authority, and finally, a love for God, nation, family, friends and themselves.